Personal Cash Flow
Borrow Less, Not More
It is always wise to borrow less rather than more. Cultivate the mindset that you will only borrow for absolute necessities and that you will repay the loan at the earliest possible date. Paying back a larger amount than the required fixed payment will help you retire the debt early.
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Emergency Cash For The Unexpected
Once you’ve got your budget in place, everything else starts falling into place. The next step is to earmark some money to put away for emergencies. You can call it saving for a rainy day, but sometimes, the emergency becomes a hurricane with genuine gale winds.
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Keys To Financial Change
Read about some essential yet simple keys to changing your financial cashflow.
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Managing Cash Flow By Finding Missing Money
Everybody needs some kind of system to account for spending and cash flow. Spending must to be controlled. But first you’ll have to find that missing money. It’s that cash, your income, that somehow seems to scurry away.
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Managing Cash Flow By Recording Spending
Recording all your spending is the simplest method to determining your cash flow.
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Managing Cash Flow By Right Spending
Some financial advisors recommend a rigid approach to spending: a certain percentage of income for housing, so much for food, this much for installment debt and so on. Others take a simpler and more flexible approach, dividing expenses into needs and wants.
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Minor Adjustments for Major Change
What are some of the mistakes that people make when managing their finances? Hundreds of wrong choices could be listed, including those that result from making decisions without knowledge or without taking the time to clearly think them through.
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What To Do When Your Spending Is Out Of Control
If your spending is out of control, it is time for a little austerity. Think of all of the minor decisions that you make in one day. What would happen if you started to make adjustments in these areas? It would eventually bring about major changes in your financial situation! Here is a comprehensive list of tips to help you analyze different aspects of your life:
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